Word Families


Word Families
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Words with short a:


-at family:  at, bat, cat, fat, hat, mat, Nat, Pat, rat, sat, vat,

-an family:  an, ban, can, Dan, fan, Jan, man, pan, ran, tan, van




Words with short i: -it, -ig


-it family:  bit, fit, hit, it, kit, lit, pit, quit, sit, wit,

-ig family:  big, dig, fig, jig, pig, rig, wig, zig




Words with short o: -ot, -ox


-ot family:  cot, dot, got, hot, jot, lot, not, pot, rot, tot,

-ox family:  box, fox, ox


Words with short e: -et, -en


-et family:  bet, get, jet, let, met, net, pet, set, vet, wet, yet,

-en family:  Ben, den, hen, Jen, Ken, men, pen, ten




Words with short u: -ug, -ut


-ug family:  bug, dug, hug, jug, lug, mug, rug, tug,

-ut family:  but, cut, hut, jut, nut, rut